Thursday 13 April 2017

Mahatma Gandhi

Mahatma Gandhi - The Father Of India

(Birth; 2nd oct.,1869) ( Death; 30th jan., 1948)

                                  Mahatma Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi will be remembered as one of the world famous personalities who lived during the twentieth century. He developed his life for obtaining freedom for India. He became famous not only for his saintliness but also because of his four famous formulas - Satyagraha, Civil disobedience, Unarmed resistance, and non-co-operation. He made India free with the execution of these four formulas. He was the only leader who had such a mass appeal in India. peoples responded positively to each of his suggestions. he showed the world the power of truth, non- violence, and sacrifice. He encouraged programs like khadi, Gramodyog ( village industry), eradication of untouchability, prohibition alcoholic drinks, nature cure and spreading Hindi language as India's national language. His search for the truth can be seen in his experiments of truth. He was not just an armchair philosopher. He always tried to bring his principles into practice. He was a prophet with a worldly outlook. He was a great humanist.
                              Gandhiji was born at porbunder. He belonged to the Bania caste of the Vaishnava sect. He was educated in kathiwad high school. After passing the matriculation in 1887, he went to England and returned as a barrister in 1891. He practiced in Africa as a lawyer. In Africa, he started the satyagraha movement to India, he fought for the cause of the labourers in the Champaranya; opposed the Rawlet act; arranged his famous Dandi march to oppose the tax on salt, fasted for the eradication of untouchability, gave the slogan Karenge Ya Marenge ( we will do or we will die) in the quit India movement of 1942 and was shot down by a sectist after India won freedom. Gandhiji served many jail sentences. He served the poor and set an ideal before the world by his sacrifice. He was 71 when he was murdered.

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