Thursday 13 April 2017

Dr. B. R. Ambedkar ( Leader of the Downtrodden )

Dr.B. R. Ambedkar 

( birth: 14th April 1891) ( death: 6th dec., 1956)

                                                      Dr. bheemrao Ramji Ambedkar spend his life for the upliftment of the DOWNTRODEEN - the dalits. For this reason, his name has earned aperment place in the history of india as the leader of the untouchable, Harijans and Dalits. he prepared the constitution of the india. he was the minister of law in india's 1st cabinet. As he had to suffer a lot because he himself was a harijans, there is little wonder that he found the cause of his life in the upliftment of the harijans and the dalits. He was born in the mahar community in the mahu. His father was a Subedar major in the army. Bheemrao started his education at the marathi school at dapoli at the age of five.He joined the government highschool at satara in 1900. Because of his caste, he had to suffer humiliation at every step was a harijan.

He had to learn Persian language instead. After passing the matriculation examination from bombay's elphinston highschool in 1907, he passed B.A. and went to America for further education. Sayajirao Gaikawad, the maharaja of baroda helped him by offering a scholarship to study abroad. Ambedkar obtained PH.D. in economics from the columbia university in 1916; and later, because a barrister. After returning to india, he was wmployed in the service of the baroda state, but he resigned after 6th months bacause of the humiliating treatment given to him. After teching for two year in bombay's Sydenham college, he again went to london. He obtained the highest degree- D.SC. in economics from london university. He was constantly working for the progress of the harijans. He generated movements like the 'Kala Ram Mandir' movement at nashik and the 'Chawdar Tale' movement at mahad. He publicly burnt the Manu Smriti which denied equal rights to the shoodras- the harijans (it should be noted that it was Gandhiji who gave the name harijans - the people of god - to untouchables. Nowdays, the harijans prefer to be called as the dalits. Thus, untouchables, harijans and dalits are synonyms) .
                         He publicly opposed Mahatma Gandhi in the round table conference, but later signed the pune agreement in 1932. Later, he joined the british government. He was elected in the excutive council of the governor general in 1942 and elected in the patna committee in 1942. On 15th Aug. 1947, he became the minister of law in the 1st cabinet of the free india, but resigned later on because of some differences of opinion. For some period, he was a member of the legislative assembly. Dr. Ambedkar was a scholar in his own right and wrote many thought provoking books, including The Riddles in Hinduism. Alongwith hundreds of his followers, he embraced Buddhism in 1956 at nagpur. He died at the age of sixtyfive. He has a place of honour next to Budhha in the monds of the Indian Budhhists.

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